As a leading enterprise in the field of design, production, supply, and installation of electrical and automation systems in Vietnam, Industrial Materials and Equipment Joint Stock Company (VATCO) specializes in providing products and Comprehensive services for Thermal Power plants from the research stage to design, supply, production, installation and commissioning with capacity from 25 – 600MW/unit.
Cooperating with leading companies in the world on technological equipment in thermal power plants, the products and services provided by VATCO are products based on the most advanced technology and platforms.
– Evaluate, upgrade, repair & replace technological equipment and automation equipment for the factory.
– Design documents for agreement on protective relay systems
– Technical design documents for approval of the SCADA/TELECOM system
– Technical design documents for agreement on power measurement system
– Technical design documents, connection technical agreements – Calibration experiment of AGC/SCADA/TELECOM system with A0/A1/A2/A3
– Service of converting IEC 60870-5-101 to IEC 60870-5-104, testing PTP, ETE.
– Providing materials and equipment for transformer stations up to 500kV voltage level – Providing turbines, generators, exciters, governors, protective relays…
– Provide a comprehensive DCS system for the entire factory.
– Provide a comprehensive online monitoring system for the generator set including monitoring shaft vibration, shaft runout, air gap, Stator temperature, Stator bus output temperature, and partial discharge engine unit.
– Provide an online monitoring system for transformers including monitoring temperature, oil quality, and partial discharge
– Provide an online monitoring system for the battery system.
– Provide sensor equipment (temperature, pressure, flow), converter
Please contact us for more detailed information
– Design, manufacture, supply and installation:
• DCS control and monitoring system for the entire Thermal Power Plant including Unit, BOP, and distribution station.
• Excitation cabinet
• Speed control cabinet
• Substation protection cabinets and transformers
• Generator protection cabinet
• Online monitoring cabinet
– 6.3kV medium voltage cabinet, 10.5kV medium voltage cabinet, 24kV medium voltage cabinet, 40.5kV medium voltage cabinet – Battery charging cabinet
Please contact us for more detailed information